
Surya Atmuri


Skillman, New Jersey, USA


PVSA Bronze Award

Contribution in Year:


Contribution in Year 2020: Via the DYC platform, I managed to offer 50+ community hours by teaching other student learners across the internet.
Investing my time in different DYC workshops has allowed me to grow as an individual and contribute to the community simultaneously. The different questions and learning curves have allowed me to approach a different mindset, one that is more motivated. Because of the Design Your Careers platform, everyone benefits and leaves with something new after each and every workshop. For this reason alone, I encourage you all to join the DYC global platform. Join Our Growing Community !!

About Me

What’s poppin! I’m Surya Atmuri, a sophomore at Montgomery High School, and I have a special passion for graphic design, animation, and vfx editing. In my free time, I like to relax, listen to chill lofi beats, and try new things in Photoshop and Illustrator. I also enjoy building computers and browsing Youtube to learn new things and upgrade my skill set like learning how to type faster.
Upon talking to some friends, I discovered Design Your Careers and decided to check it out. At first, I was apprehensive of indulging so much of my time into this organization but after a few weeks of time, I came to approach a different perspective and one that is more favorable. Over the last 7 months, I have reached over a hundred different people in three different workshops ranging from Algebra 1 to Photoshop and even the fundraising community for low income families.. It was an amazing experience throughout and drove me to continue actively partaking in DYC’s bubble. Upon these experiences, I have learnt more about different subjects through my interactions with different students. Furthermore, I have developed my communication skills through the weekly emails I spent time and effort into conveying a clear and to the point message.
Up until now, I have enjoyed my road with DYC and thrived with the various opportunities I have been granted to reach out and inspire others to ignite an interest in different fields of interest. Because of DYC’s easy to navigate virtual system, I was easily able to efficiently invest my time across summer and into school without losing out anywhere else. Having been able to accumulate a portfolio, sharpen my skills, and build confidence, I would like to appreciate and thank the Design Your Careers organization for gifting me this chance to extend my knowledge past myself and onto many others.

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