Student Challenges and DYC Solutions

Challenges of Educational System
  • Too much to accomplish in too little time in a busy, hectic, fast life
  • Aptitudes and strengths mostly go unrecognized, untapped, or undeveloped
  • Increased pressure to log essential (personal or school) volunteer hours frequently
  • Purging of interests instead of merging of interests due to lack of bandwidth, cost involved, and physical/ mental exhaustion
  • Incidence of arbitrary, ad hoc community service owing to limited time availability
  • Controlled by social constructs and systems, rather than driven from passion or ability
  • Unsustainable “cookie cutter” programs that have not evolved over years, with one-glove-fits-all-hands model
  • Designed by necessity and income generation, rather than knowledge and individual growth
  • Driven by institutions rather than the individual learners themselves
  • Forced to choose between learning or teaching one at a time instead of collaboration
  • Limited learning avenues – schools, private classes, or virtual sites
Solutions for ensuring Ideal guidance through DYC Platform
  • One-stop, personalized, customizable, and sustainable program that matches student skill sets and interests
  • Helps students identify, design and develop their special skills and latent abilities
  • Helps do more in less time within essential volunteering hours with purpose
  • Abiding by the dictum “plan your work, then work your plan” with structured learning, leading, and volunteering hours
  • Initiated an experiential, hands-on, applied learning environment encouraging “left brain” (logical) and “right brain” (creative) growth
  • Engaging learners by being of more of a “guide on the side,” rather than “a sage on the stage” approach
  • Promoting increased involvement for ensuring a focused and self-motivated group
  • Providing students with a multiple path under one umbrella without any restrictions of a single program or time
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