Yoga for Youth Workshop


About Workshop

We are hosting a *YOGA FOR YOUTH” workshop for ages 10+. This mentor workshop is aimed to help kids during COVID-19 to *improve their physical and mental health *. Our Mentor Sobhana is volunteering her personal time to lead these yoga sessions , she is a certified yoga instructor. She has designed specific yoga sequences/poses catered to match the kids’ ability levels. She is experienced in yoga for the last two decades. Her background in Indian classical dance and a natural curiosity about the dynamics of movement helped her to discover yoga. The unique nature of synchronizing the pose and the breath had a calming effect on the mind. Wishing to deepen her practice and to enhance her knowledge of yoga, she did 500 hrs of advanced yoga instructor training at Integral Yoga (Princeton, NJ). She is also a certified teen yoga instructor, and has been a member of the Yoga Alliance since 2015.

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