Chess Workshop

Aditya Veerathu

About Workshop

In this workshop, you will learn chess at a basic level. By the end of the sessions, you will be able to play a strategic game of chess. Chess is an incredible game that dates back to 6 AD. This wonderful game is played by millions around the world and even competitively. In this class, we will be covering the basics of chess but those basics are the foundations for all of the advanced techniques that may wish to learn later. With some practice, you can most certainly sigh yourselves up for tournaments where you will be able to win trophies, improve focus, learn strategy, gain discipline, and have fun. For this workshop, all you would need is your mind to explore the incredible topics covered. We hope you are all ready for a journey into one of the most mystical games in the world. Join our growing community and get recognized. DYC student Leaders offer many interactive and hands-on workshops in different fields. These programs are designed to be interactive and informative.

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